As owners, developers and operators in the retail real estate industry, we want to lead the transition to a low carbon real estate sector and drive change towards a more sustainable, circular and socially responsible retail industry.
To address the challenges ahead and continue to make progress on the environmental, social and governance issues that matter most to the company and our stakeholders, we have defined a sustainability roadmap as part of our Building Tomorrow strategy. An approach that guides us in building a better tomorrow by minimising our carbon footprint, mitigating environmental risks, having a positive impact and meeting the needs of our stakeholders.
- Our ESG strategy: Building Tomorrow
- ESG commitments
- Certifications, frameworks and reporting
- ESG documents

Our ESG strategy: Building Tomorrow
Our Building Tomorrow strategy is based on five pillars that address the main challenges in the real estate and retail sectors and cover the most material aspects for NEINVER and our stakeholders.
- Strong corporate culture and engaged employees: build a committed and engaged team, a positive culture and resilient company that enables value creation for our business, stakeholders, environment and society.
- Sustainable assets: minimise the environmental footprint of our assets and increase their resilience to climate change.
- Collaboration with brands: support our retailers, helping them implement their sustainability strategies in our centres and adapt to the sustainability expectations of consumers.
- Responsible consumption & sustainable communities: provide our visitors with a sustainable shopping experience, tailored to their preferences and consumer habits, and create a positive local impact in our communities.
- Sustainable finance: meet investment demands for sustainable project financing.

ESG commitments
As a Group we commit to continue driving positive impact by:
- Promoting professional development and a work-life balance throughout the organisation
- Implementing individual ESG objectives for group employees
- Safeguarding our employees, brand partners, tenants, suppliers and community health, safety, and well-being
- Promoting universal accessibility, diversity and inclusion in our centres
- Decarbonising our buildings and deploying an on-site renewable energy plan for each asset
- Reducing emissions from transport by advancing sustainable mobility options
- Promoting local biodiversity in the surroundings of the centres

- Making further progress with the climate risk strategy, understanding and mitigating potential impacts
- Achieving Zero Waste certifications by reaching more than 90% of waste valorisation at each centre
- Supporting tenants in their sustainability initiatives, such as waste management and energy efficiency
- Creating awareness and fostering environmental good practices among customers
- Promoting the importance of circular economy within retail
- Ensuring community engagement with a long-term view
- Giving back to the community by promoting local employment, local entrepreneurship and supporting charities.

Certifications, frameworks and reporting
- We benchmark ourselves against our peers and received the maximum 5-star Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) rating, for 3 consecutive years.
- Since 2011, new developments and refurbishments are BREEAM New Construction certified, and all our owned centres are certified with BREEAM In-Use.
- The entire portfolio of owned assets has been certified by the international accessibility certification AIS (Accessibility System Indicator).
- Since 2010 certified with ISO. Today, our portfolio is certified under four ISO standards:quality (9001), environmental (14001), energy efficiency (50001) and health and safety (45001) management systems.
- In 2022, we obtained Zero Waste certification for nearly the entire portfolio with the aim of recovering more than 90% of the waste generated.
- We have aligned with recognised initiatives, standards and tools.

ESG documents
- Annual Report→
- Sustainability Report→
- NEINVER’s support to the UN Sustainable Development Goals→
- Quality, environmental, energy and health & safety management system policy→
- Certifications policy→
- Environmental policy→
- Health and well-being policy→
- Our BREEAM IN USE certificates→
- Our ISO certificates→
- AIS certificate